Why Are WOWSEA Paddle Boards So Cheap?

Why Are WOWSEA Paddle Boards So Cheap?
Dec 04 2020

If you are looking for an enjoyable activity, then you might want to give paddle boarding a try. Not only is this activity calm and relaxing, you can also enjoy it by yourself or with your friends and family. In order to truly have fun with this sport, you will need a high-quality paddle board. That is where WOWSEA paddle boards come in the picture. In addition to being affordable, these paddle boards are designed to make paddle boarding a relaxed and fun experience. They can easily be carried anywhere you go and they can easily be stored.

Moreover, WOWSEA paddle boards come with loads of compatible accessories as well. These boards are ideal for the majority of the water conditions. Plus, they are great for incorporating into different activities, such as fishing, fitness, hunting, family time, and so much more. These paddle boards are constructed using high-quality materials and so are their components. The hull of the paddle board is constructed using military-grade multi-layer PVC, making it quite durable. Plus, all of the paddle boards come with a flat bottom, which increases their side-to-side stability. You can easily remove the center fin of the board, which makes storage and transportation of the board effortless. There are also side fins that are fixed into the hull, which increases stability of the board on water.


Simplicity, Affordability, and Friendliness

The WOWSEA paddle board was the brainchild of three college friends, whose love of paddle boarding gave them an idea to create a board that’s affordable and contains all of the functions that a great paddle board should have. They believed that through paddle boarding, you can form everlasting bonds and it is a great way to spend time outdoors. They created a board that is durable and stable so that it can be used to race and tour on the water, and at the same time is not expensive as the other brands’ paddle boards. They wanted people of all ages to enjoy the benefits of paddle boarding; hence, they created a board that can do just that. They wanted their paddle boards to have the simplicity of a board and the capabilities of a boat. Not to mention, it should also look really good.  

After a lot of hard work and planning, they created their paddle boards and called them WOWSEA. Due to their training in MBA, they were able to create affordable paddle boards by using three basic principles, which were: creating an organization that’s consumer-driven, staying dedicated to the happiness of their consumers, and making a difference within the industry.

The vision and mission of the WOWSEA brand is to create a simple enough product that everyone can afford to buy. Hence, the value of their brand is “Simplicity, Affordability, and Friendliness.”



Affordable Innovation

Moreover, when it comes to the mission of WOWSEA, they want to create products that are innovative yet affordable, and at the same time, they do not negatively impact the environment. They work hard in order to be able to provide affordable innovation by using information technology, ingenious designs, and supply chain management. They want their customers to truly love the paddling lifestyle and enjoy it every chance they get. They make use of cost-effective and unprecedented ecommerce practices so that they can market themselves to the consumers directly. This results in cutting the paddleboard’s costs by over 30%.

Furthermore, WOWSEA has a clear vision of how they want their products to impact their consumers. They want the consumers to create long-lasting memories whenever they use their products, and have remarkable paddling experiences. That is why they have created these innovative paddle boards using advance technology, so that the people can truly enjoy using their paddle boards and don’t have to worry about other paddle board-related issues.



Social Responsibility

Also, WOWSEA takes part in charitable events in order to help out the ones in need. One of those events is called One Million Dollar Rally, where they work hard in order to raise up to one million dollars in charity for the paddling organizations that are in need of some assistance. WOWSEA wants their customers to help team up with them in order to make the world of paddling a better place and support the organizations that are responsible for water conservations, getting children involved into the paddling sport, or assisting disabled veterans through paddling. WOWSEA is willing to donate $5 for every participant who decides to join. This can add up to almost one million dollars’ worth of support. Anyone who bought their products can participate in their rally. All they have to do is record a short video or take a picture of the WOWSEA paddle board that they just bought and post it on different social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. Next step is to pick the not-for-profit organization and tag them on the social media post using the organization’s hashtag, the #1MilllionDollarRally hashtag, and the #WOWSEA hashtag. WOWSEA will then donate $5 to the participants’ organizations on the behalf of each of the participants who end up buying WOWSEA products and then following these instructions. They appreciate all of their supporters. They truly believe that through this way, they can raise up to one million dollars of donations. This will also increase the consumers’ awareness, who are still new to the world of paddling. Having all this support will make a significant difference within the paddling community.

Get In Touch With Us

If you are looking for affordable paddle boards and other related accessories, then you have come to the right place. We want our customers to be satisfied with all of our products. Delve into the world of paddling and try out a new adventure! Contact us if you have any questions.

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