5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System through iSUP Lifestyle

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System through iSUP Lifestyle
May 28 2020

Since the Covid-19 outbroke, the world continues to navigate the unprecedented effects of Covid-19, isolation and lockdown, our health is facing the fat and decrease in immunity, the key to staying well and maintaining a healthy immune system for everyone. There’s more to it than washing your hands, wearing mask and keeping a social distance from people you don’t live with. It’s important to exercise, breathe a healthy dose of fresh air, eat right, sleep well and care for your body from head to toe. In this article, we’re going to talk about 5 ways to boost your immune system through iSUP lifestyle and helps you live an enjoyable and healthy life.


Which 5 Ways to boost Your Immune System through iSUP Lifestyle?

#1: iSUP Strengthens Your Physique

#2: iSUP Burns Fat Calories

#3: iSUP Improve Your Heart and Lung Function

#4: iSUP Relieves Work and Life Stress

#5: iSUP Gets You the Fresh Air and Sunshine Your Body Loves


#1: iSUP Strengthens Your Physique

If you’re a SUPer already, then you know stand up paddle boarding is a full body workout outdoor sport. From the shore, it might not feel every muscle in the body exerting force, but you are.

In fact, iSUP works just about every muscle of full body, from your feet and legs, up to your arms, shoulders and neck. Most of all-it really works your core.

Continuous, uninterrupted full body strength is good for everyone body’s functions, and healthy bodily functions are the key to improve the healthy immune system.

iSUP also improves your body balance sense, another important factor in staying well. Learning the skill to maintain a constant standing position on moving water takes full body concentration and effort. You’ll feel the workout from your effort, this is why newcomers need to learn? When you return to the stable ground, you will feel better balance and better tone.

If you're a newcomer to iSUP, you can check out any of our paddling questions or any of iSUP blogs on how iSUP strengthens your body. Whether you plan to try iSUP yoga, iSUP adventure, traditional paddling or any of other enjoyable ways to paddle, you will benefit with a stronger, leaner, healthier body.


#2: iSUP Burns Fat Calories

We mentioned that paddle boarding will have you using muscles you might not know you have. The results will be a strong and toned body you will have. More importantly, you’ll be more confident for the positive changes in how you look and feel.

Paddle once (one hour), you’re going to burn a lot of fat calories. On average, you can burn up to twice as many calories with iSUP as on a treadmill in your house. If you paddle faster, harder or longer on water, you could burn even more.

Here’s a set of data on iSUP fat calorie burn with different iSUP activities:

Traditional SUP surfing is a serious workout plus skill, also a serious calorie burner. In an hour of traditional SUP surfing, you can burn up to 600~750 calories.

Traditional SUP surfing is also one of the coolest ways to outdoor water sport. In fact, iSUP water leisure sport started from early hard board surfing. You can learn more about that amazing story here in future

iSUP Racing will be definitely your blood accelerator, and we all know that’s good for your lung and heart, iSUP racing also burns major fat calories. Depending on what kind of iSUP racer you are, you can burn 650 fat calories or more in just one hour.

iSUP Yoga is one of the most popular water sport of non-traditional SUP, need to have strong capability to control your body on board. It’s a great mind-body workout, a great time to get close to nature and a also good calorie burner. An hour of Yoga iSUP can burn 400~450 calories, let you relax and get you to your enjoyable place.


#3: iSUP Improve Your Heart and Lung Function

Now let’s talk a little more about heart and lung health. That two little organs feed your entire body. Paddling gets your heart beat faster and gets a heathy lung, and in turn, your heart gets well-oxygenated blood to all of your entire body, lung breathing will become more and more relaxed

With a good diet and a regular life, iSUP exercise maintains a healthy heart and lung, you are taking giant strides toward boosting your immune system. Conversely, an unhealthy heart and lung can lead to heart disease or lung disease, poor cardiopulmonary function makes you vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses, including Covid-19 and Flu viruses.

In the current global epidemic, one of the earliest observations about patients who got very sick with Covid-19 or died due to complications of the virus is that they had a pre-existing problem with the cardiopulmonary diseases.

If there are many things all of us can do to boost our immune systems, it’s to maintain a healthy heart and lung by getting plenty of healthy outdoor exercise (iSUP sport is just one), meanwhile not smoking, eliminating bad fats and processed foods.


#4: iSUP Relieves Work and Life Stress

Stress is an invisible killer and one of contributors to heart disease. Unfortunately, work and life stresses are unavoidable. Covid-19 certainly doesn’t make it any easier!

iSUP is a proven way to get a relief on stress. Paddling distracts you from the unhappy, forces your attention on the process of paddling and entire body balancing, and gets your mind-body close to Nature, 100% relaxing and no stress.

All of this adds up to a healthier mind-body, healthier feeling and healthier immune system, you will love and enjoy such a lifestyle more.

Tip: One truly best way to use your WOWSEA board to relieve the stress is to convert iSUP to a kayak mode for a leisure paddling on the clear water.


#5: iSUP Gets You the Fresh Air and Sunshine Your Body Loves

Fresh air and sunshine are your good friends absolutely when it comes to maintaining a healthy immune system. All know, the Vitamin D we get from the sunshine is very difficult to get in pill D. Besides, iSUP is much more fun than the simple sunbathing or taking a deep breathe anyway!

Only food supplementation is not enough for Vitamin D deficiency, so sports plus sunshine is the best combination. Do you know an estimated 40% people have a Vitamin D deficiency? that number goes up in winter, and the current lockdown is even more serious for the Covid-19

Of course, we need to remember how to protect ourselves from too much wind and sun, but a little bit is healthy every day, especially get to health by iSUP.

Tip: When lockdown is still continuous for the Covid-19, you might think about treating yourself to a full-body massage after iSUP. A post-workout massage is a great way to relieve your fatigue, and increase the body's nutrition. Covid-19 lockdown won’t last forever, so take a look online for some skilled massage therapists near you, who can help with full-body muscle relaxing after your workouts.

So if lockdown has you stayed at home every day, Go out and Get paddling, WOWSEA Sup lifestyle is really good! You’ll feel better, looks better too

If you have ideas for how to iSUP through keeping social distancing and boost your immune system, we’d like to hear them here. Feel free to keep in touch with our team on wowseasup site or WOWSEA Facebook page. Hearing from you makes us happy! Thank you very much!


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